Carlos Aranda Marquez
Exhibition´s text
At Instituto Cultural Mexicano.
San Antonio Texas, U.S.A. 1998.
Where do this wonderful stories come from? this is the first
Think we ask our selves when we see the collages of Eric del
Castillo (Mexico City, 1962), and an answer we can offer,
Among a sea of possibillities is: try to adjust your stare to
1/25 of a second while surfing fase trough the TV with the
remote control. If you show the speed, the eye Hill be capable
of consentrating itself upon these inusual images that own
more to the World of publicity in the mass media than to the
school of collage created by the modernist artist at the
beginning of this century.The merit of Eric´s del Castillo lies in accelering or slowing
The speed of the visual perception in this ocean of images and
Create at his Hill the mataphors he wants to remark.
Otherwise, these angels trying to fly or to descend on these
Imaginary lands wouldn´t be able to do it because the remote
Control of the reality channels has gone crazy. Many of these
works of art are visual echoes of his musical interest, but
nobody should dare to call him a post-psychedelic artist.
you'll hear his ironic laughter.Eric´s del Castillo dreams fully awake. This is another finding
In these collages, we see snapshots we think we have dreamed
ourselves. Beautiful women, edgy situations, peculiar
adventures, everything is gathered here in a precise way and
in opposite semantic fields, where the abyss or the emptiness
sorrounds the cosmos of images.What can we add? Eric del Castillo is a filmaker on paper, we
Are voyeurs on his storyboards, of that private World where
The artist has abducted fragments of nanosecond of images,
And he has edited them for his movie.
Let us be kidnapped by his vision.